Ma Trailer, Most Underrated Actor or Actress, & Fav. Power Ranger
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Vince, Michael, and Matt start with watching the trailer for the upcoming movie "Ma", Take on a Green Ranger's samurai sword, spy on Harry Potter, and figure out a way for Vince to get a D.O.D.
Follow us on Instagram/Twitter @Inthejarpod

Cartoon Families, Game Of Thrones Death, & Sexy Historical Figures
Join Michael and Matt with Guest Jon as they dive into past Cartoon Family icons. Discuss who will die first in the new season of Game of Thrones. Debate the historical figure they would most likely bed. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @inthejarpod
NEW THEME SONG BY: Diana Weishaar and Phillip Young
In the Jar Logo By: Vaughn-Shane

Gay Moments & Actors Who Would Play Us
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Michael is joined by longtime friend Colleen and the creator of the In The Jar logo Vaughn-Shane. Also, with his permanent guest Matt they discuss the Actors that will portray them and a gay moment or two! Join the convo by following @inthejarpod on Instagram or Twitter!

Virginity, Defending A Movie, & Where Are Hamsters from?
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Vince joins Matt and Michael for the second episode where we get a little deep with their virginity and discussing the origin story of Hamsters. Join the convo by following @inthejarpod on Instagram and Twitter!

Ketchup Sandwiches and The Magna Carta
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Jon Wikholm joins Michael and Matt for the inaugural episode or In The Jar. The discuss Cold meat, Ketchup sandwiches, and what is the Magna Carta. Join in the convo by following @InTheJarPod on Instagram.